What are EMFs?

April 2, 2023
Bailey Cleary
What are EMFs?

So, what are Electromagnetic Fields, and how can they interfere with our health?

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, EMFs are "invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power."

There are claims that EMF exposure could be the most dangerous form of pollution because you can’t see or smell it - and it constantly surrounds us whether we’re at work, at home, or even just walking down the street.

Out of sight, out of mind, right?


Studies have cited that EMF exposure causes damage at the cellular level, breaking down your cells through oxidative stress, and creating free radicals. This can lead to fertility issues, neurological and behavioural issues, cancers, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome, and an increase in allergies and sensitivities.

The list is REALLY long.

Although EMF exposure and its negative effects seem to still be a controversial topic, we have to consider the sources advising us that it’s not harmful and understand that exposure compounds in your body and can create negative effects over long periods of time, somewhat like smoking cigarettes.

So, where are the most common places to find EMFs in your home?

There are exposures everywhere.

Here are a few things that you can consciously do to help reduce your exposure:

  1. Heat your food on the stove or in a steam convection oven instead of in the microwave. This can take some getting used to, but we haven’t used our microwave in ages and it’s now a decorative piece in our kitchen, and I can tell you it’s really not that hard!

  2. Don’t carry your cell phone on your body all the time. When you’re working or out for any reason, leave your phone across the room, or in the car. You can even turn it on airplane mode or use a faraday bag or faraday case if you feel like you’d like to keep it with you. With airplane mode, you can still use your camera!

    The World Health Organization (WHO) stated WAY back in 2009 that cell phone radiation is “possibly carcinogenic to humans” - and just think about all of the advancements they’ve made since 2009. This Journal of Clinical Oncology from 2009 also states that there is an increased risk of tumours linked to mobile phone use.

  3. Use AirTube headphones or turn on the speakerphone when you need to talk on the phone. AirTube headphones allow the sound to travel to your ears without the wires going directly to your head. Speakerphone also keeps your phone away from your head.

  4. DON’T sleep with your phone next to your bed! Your phone should be at least 3 feet away from you while you’re sleeping (or at all times when not in use!). Sleeping with it in another room is ideal, but if you feel like you need it close by try and put it on airplane mode while you sleep - your alarm will still work!

  5. Put a timer on your wifi so that it turns off at night (or during the hours you aren’t using it). We did this a few years ago, and it gives me a lot of peace of mind that we aren’t being exposed while we sleep. Wifi routers give off such high levels of EMFs that it’s considered best practice to keep them in a room far away from bedrooms, or the places you frequent the most. I know this isn’t always possible depending on space and layout, as well as connectivity issues, so the timer is very helpful in this situation. Even shutting it off between 9pm and 6am gives you 9h where you’re not being exposed. Think about how much that adds up to each day!

  6. Unplug your smart TV’s when they’re not in use, along with radios and other wireless technology. Smart TV’s, Google Home devices, and Alexa are all gadgets that continually look for and broadcast signals whether they’re in use or not. We have some of these in our home, but they remain unplugged when they’re not in use so that we reduce our exposure.

  7. Use incandescent light bulbs in your light fixtures. Fluorescent light bulbs can actually transfer current to your body by just being close to them, according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

  1. If you’re going for a long walk, try going somewhere that you can be immersed in nature. When walking, going somewhere where there’s little or no exposure can help give your body a break. Try using a trail in the forest and avoiding areas where there are lots of power lines and cell phone towers. Even walking down the sidewalk in your neighbourhood can leave you exposed to broadcasting signals from nearby homes.  

All we can do is be aware of the effects that EMFs can have on our bodies long-term, start good habits in our own environment, and make conscious efforts that can help us minimize our exposure.

I hope this helps, and just remember that over time our toxic load continues to grow, so every little change of habit in the right direction can help you down the road!