Why We Use A Cleaning Schedule

April 7, 2023
Bailey Cleary
Why We Use A Cleaning Schedule

Why Use A Cleaning Schedule?

*Download our free PDF of this cleaning schedule at the bottom of the page!

Using a cleaning schedule can help you keep on top of your daily and weekly tasks, which in turn creates a healthier indoor environment.

Completing rooms and tasks daily instead of trying to cram all of your cleaning into one day will help ease your mind and create a more peaceful, and less overwhelming feeling when it comes to cleaning.

I have found that my home is cleaner overall since I started using this schedule. It has helped me stay on top of rooms that I used to dread and procrastinate cleaning, and other rooms that were ‘out of sight, out of mind’, like the laundry room.

The kitchen and bathrooms stay much cleaner, and the baseboards aren’t neglected anymore.

Not only will this help ease your mind and add simplicity when it comes to cleaning, but it also helps support your indoor environment.  

How a cleaning schedule can improve your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Sweeping and dusting on a regular basis can help to capture dust, particles, and allergens, especially in the warmer months when pollen is an issue.

Weekly cleaning routines also allow for you to be aware of certain areas of the house. You’ll notice if the basement smells a little musty and it’s time to crack a window, or if some if your pipes are producing condensation on them.

You’ll be able to quickly notice if your showers or baths are staying wet and breeding mould. If these bathrooms are only used by your kids or guests, then you might not be as aware of the moisture situation.

Vacuuming your carpets weekly is a must! Carpets attract so many particles, and man are they ever hard to clean. You don’t want to leave this too long or you’ll create a breeding ground for dust mites and other bacteria. You’ll also start to notice a musty smell from the dirt, dust, and organisms that now call these carpet fibres home. Yuck!

How We Created This Schedule

The thought process behind this schedule was for ease of cleaning, and for flow. We all know how hard it is to jump around from floor to floor, and room to room with all of your cleaning gear - so we wanted to make this simple.

We broke it down by rooms so you can be as efficient as possible.

Don’t forget to use your homemade natural all-purpose cleaner!

Here’s How It Looks

Don't forget to download your free cleaning schedule at the bottom of this page.

Monday - Kitchen

It always feels good to have a clean kitchen, and not seeing a bunch of clutter also helps with mental clarity! It’s much easier to be present with your family, or get your work done when you’re not staring at a pile of dishes in the sink and a bunch of clutter on the island. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.

Tuesday - Bedrooms

Wednesday - Bathrooms

Cleaning all of the bathrooms at once is such a relief for me. Living in a house with three young boys, and one actively potty training, means a lot of bathroom chaos. The toilet seats are always left up, there is toothpaste everywhere, and the mirrors are always full of splatter. Bathroom cleaning day is always a good day.

Thursday - Main Living Area

Friday - Basement

I will make note that I love cleaning the basement on Fridays because we end up spending more time down there on the weekends with the kids, and it’s nice for it to be freshly cleaned!

Saturday - Laundry & Plants

Sometimes the laundry room can get messy during the week when our time to do all of the things is limited, so Saturday is the day to get it organized again and do any remaining laundry that the kids might need for the following week.

We have a lot of plants that need some love, so the kids help me water them on Saturdays as well!

Sunday - Foyer

After the week and a full weekend of everyone being at home, the foyer becomes a jumble of shoes, hats, and outerwear that seems to never find its way home. On Sunday I make sure to organize everyone’s outerwear so that on Monday morning it’s way less chaotic trying to find things.

It also needs a little extra TLC in the rainy, and snowy seasons when wetness and rocks are everywhere, and the walls have little muddy little handprints all over them!


I will admit that I need to do my windows, mirrors, and ledges almost every week and mop every other week because we have three kids and a dog, but you might not have to do this, so adjust accordingly!

There are also some notable areas that get forgotten about that we need to make sure stay clean!

Additional Areas to Check On

Don’t forget to download your free version of the cleaning schedule below so you can keep it on your fridge!

Download Weekly Cleaning Schedule